Every Monday and Wednesday, my service partner and I spend
two hours at an afterschool program called Caritas Licey. There, kids from
lower-income backgrounds who live in the neighborhood can come to get lunch. It
is run by a group of nuns who teach the kids crafts and lessons on theology. My
partner and I contribute by teaching English lessons and bringing different
crafts to do with the kids. Some days we will teach them songs or play games
with them in English. Other days, we will do origami or color with them. Then, we
help the Sisters serve lunch to the kids.
There have been some very challenging things about
volunteering at Caritas Licey. It’s hard hearing about the difficult situations
that the kids face. Many of them are from lower-income homes and their family
lives are not always the best. It can be challenging to teach sometimes because
the kids are misbehaving during our lessons. Sometimes it would be difficult to
get through a lesson because they were distracted or fighting with each other. I
have also learned a lot of discouraging things about the education system here
in the Dominican Republic. For example, most kids only go to school for about
four hours a day and many drop out early.
Overall, though, I had a great experience with these kids and
the nuns we worked with. It was always great to go to service and find that the
kids were excited that we were there and to see what we had planned for the
day. Most days they would get really into the crafts we had prepared and the
games we played to teach them words in English.
The kids and the Sisters taught me many things that I hope
to bring with me when I go back home. They taught me to be creative; for
example, the kids did not have many craft supplies, so we would usually have to
be very creative with the materials that we used. We would bring toilet paper
rolls, soda pop bottles, and egg cartons from the kitchen. They also taught me
about simplicity; it did not take much to entertain them. They were perfectly
content playing marbles with us or sitting down and coloring for thirty
I am glad that I was at this service site because it
challenged me in new ways, but it was also just really fun. I hope I always
remember the kids at Caritas and the things I learned while serving there.
Comunidad 18 member
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