Thursday, May 9, 2013

Encuentro was a great experience, although very taxing mentally, physically and emotionally at times. Regardless, the program will offer students the tools and the mindset to work towards making a change in the world. While we do make an impact- whether big or small- in the Dominican through service and campo immersions, the most important lesson that can be taken from Encuentro is that service and social advocacy should not stop as soon as students return to the states. In order for the semester to not have been in vain, the passion to serve must be translated to one's home country after the semester abroad.

When I arrive in the states, I plan to continue to serve others in areas that interest and inspire me. Service, just like a job, is much easier to do if it is something that one can enjoy at the same time. Being at Creighton, we are BLESSED to have the CCSJ that coordinates weekly service opportunities for students. I will certainly become involved in a weekly service opportunity next semester.

NO EXCUSES WILL BE MADE!! It is very easy to think of a million reasons for why one can't serve- whether he or she is too busy, has to study, or whatever. If serving is something that one really want to do and feel passionate about, one can usually make time for it. Also, don't expect service to be initially rewarding. It is a dynamic process that has its ups and downs. Keeping a bigger picture idea of the need that exists in the world and the good that can be done. This will help one to stay motivated though the good, the bad, and the ugly. We must live to serve one another.

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