CONANI presented us with many challenges this semester in terms of our semester project because the needs of the children at CONANI were very different than the needs of the individuals at the other sites. While children from other service sites can really benefit from teaching materials or donations of toys, our children would not all have benefited from such projects. Not all of the children learn in the same way and some do not play with toys as much as others. Therefore, when thinking about this project we were at a bit of a loss of what to do and at first were a bit nervous.
After spending time with the PT students from Creighton, we realized what the children of CONANI truly need is consistency be it with love, physical therapy, or specific treatment. Therefore, with the help of the PT students, we made a video to help promote what we had already done during our semester and what the PT students had done with their time. This, for us, was a representation of ingenuity because we had to step outside of the box of what would normally be done as a project and look to how we could best serve the children's needs. It also took our being self-aware because we had to realize that the PT students were more knowledgeable about how to help the children from a physical therapy perspective.
We discovered heroism throughout this process because it allowed us to better come to know the nurses and nannies at CONANI. We saw heroism in the nurses because they have a low paying job and work in a place in which it is easy to become jaded, yet they come to work with fervor and truly love the children who have so little. Through our semester we learned how important it was to come to know the nurses and we learned a lot simply through our relationships with them.
The video we created includes our own advice and advice of the PT students of how to add some more consistency to the lives of the children in a way that is easy for everyone to follow.
It speaks for itself so enjoy! :)